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Aircraft; Cars; HVAC; Welding The names of these job function acronyms are the other half of the story. That is because they are not only common but also often referred to by other, more specific job function acronyms, like Aircraft Mechanic. Speaking of which, let's start with what you might have guessed: A mechanic is a person who repairs and maintains mechanical equipment. (The word "mechanic" as a job function is also known as an auto mechanic. However, it can be used in other job functions as well, such as electrician and welder.) Mechanic is the closest English translation to the official Spanish word for mechanic: mecánico. (To be clear: The Spanish word and not the English translation is the name of the job function.) It took a little time for this to become common practice in Spain because it wasn't done anywhere else around the world. In Italy, there's a culture of specialist called Tecnico that has many similarities with our Aircraft Engine Mechanic or Aircraft Parts Mechanic. In the U.S., they're known as Airframes Mechanics. In Italy, this job function is known as Meccanico di Macchine a Vela or Meccanico di Macchine a Motore with similar job functions as in America, with the difference that Meccanico di Macchine a Vela deal with fixed wing aircraft and Meccanico di Macchine a Motore with helicopters. In Spain they are all called mecánics or, more commonly, mecánicos Their job functions are similar to those in the USA but they also perform some tasks that Hispanic American mechanics don't usually do, such as auto repair and electronic repair. In France, they are known as "mechères". To have a mecánico is a premium because it's a very good job and to have this title, you have to be able to repair, weld and repair car mechanics. Another similar job function in France is a type of auto mechanic called a mécanicien auto. This job function has many similarities to our Aircraft Mechanic or Aircraft Parts Mechanic. This job function is very similar to the Meccanico di Macchine a Vela in Italian, France or Spain. Although many general mechanics are also called electrical technicians, the jobs are different in that electricity is the main focus of the work while mechanical work usually plays a supporting role. The electrical techs deal with job functions related to computers and radio-technicians deal with technical jobs associated with radio stations. Some techs may have more specialized training in one or more of these fields. Some techs specialize in computer repair while others focus on dealing with Windows-based computers while others specialize in working on Macintosh computers while others specialize in video editing and mixing and these would all be considered video technicians. cfa1e77820